Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Revamp my health brainstorm

Grab fresh veggies before going into work to snack on.
Eat a protein with everything
Buy ready made protein shakes- eat a fruit or veggie with it-- which will be considered a snack
Eat every 2 hours
Do not eat after 10pm
Eat as soon as I wake up
Write down everything I eat
Stop eating sweet stuff/ deserts
Stop eating out. If I do-- will eat salad no croutons no cheese no dressing
Cut down on carbs period
No chips at ALL
Start running. Wake up at 7, go to park N run Monday Wednesday Friday --- document times and set up personal challenges
Take a flexibility class once a week
Kettle bells once a week
Pump class every 2 weeks
Alternate-- 1 week 8 hours of vigorous cardio- running included
Other week 4 hours of vigorous cardio- running included
Make sure to document everything
Try to eat as clean as possible
Drink 2 liters of water every day

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mental preparation

I'm back to work tomorrow... After being off for 9 days! I don't think I remember how to do my job now ;-) Pray for me! Pray for the healing of the sick...mentally and physically.

Thank ya <3 Jess

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Dreaming again

Sometimes I think, "how would my life be if...? For example, what if I was an actress...or what if I could really sing and dance?

Lol the only singing and dancing I've been doing is on Just Dance 2!

What if I continued dj-ing? Haha!

Ya know, life is funny. God just kinda nudges you sometimes to do other things. Right now, I'm going to seek Him...and the rest will fall into place- Matthew 6:33

This year I will take up either an acting/ singing/ dancing class. Don't know when I'll fit it in...but if it is His will, it'll happen.


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Monday, February 14, 2011

67 degrees!

I am soooo excited that it's going to be warm and sunny today!

My plan: put clothes n dishes 2 miles, gym 10-1130, drop off lunch to hubby, walk dogs at park, take them to the doggie park, drop by to see my school advisor... Then I'm going to relax in my backyard right where the sun is beaming--and make phone calls & try to finish my book. I won't leave until the sun comes down!

This may not sound exciting to everyone else, but it will be for me! I have missed the warmth and the sun! I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can :-)

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The view from my lounge chair :-)

iPad delirious!

So I got an iPad on Friday... And it's pretty much like a bigger iPhone :-) it's great for reading books and surfing the Internet, and of course, checking my facebook! I decided to purchase one as a reward to myself for going back to school for my bachelor's degree. I'm pretty's all online! I guess I will have to get used to it. I wonder how the whole online class thing all works?! Hmmm...
Anyway I've been on this thing allll weekend...and I'm sure I'll be posting here often :-)

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