Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Junk, junk, junk!

That's all I have been eating these past few weeks...can't seem to stop. I've had a salad here and there...but I just can't seem to say no. I don't know if its the warmer weather or what. Snuck in workout yesterday...cardio for 1 1/2 hours...meant to go back for strength training...but didn't happen. I decided relaxing on the beach in this 85 degree weather was a better idea :-) Ugghhhh! The weight is maintained, but...I need to just get serious in order to lose this weight!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm going to be working all weekend...I work 12 hour shifts so each day will be: schoolwork, small workout, work, sleep. Not very exciting, but I am grateful nonetheless. God is good!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Day With Trainer :(:::

Last day with Kristine today...she is so awesome, I'm gonna miss my workouts with her! Anyway, this is what we did today:
  1. 20 box jumps
  2. 20 squats 50#
  3. 20 straight leg deadlifts 40#
3 rounds

  1. 20 bicep curls 30#
  2. 20 push press 30#
  3. 15 chest flys on machine 20#
3 rounds
  1. 20 oblique twists
She is going to hook me up with a list of workouts! I'm excited. I asked her for a copy of my first and last measurements, I'll put those up when I get them! I think I'm going to increase my circuit workouts to 3-4x a week/ like every other day. I'll have to do it on my own..which will be a little bit of a challenge, but I can do it! I also did a full hour kettlebells class this AM! I absolutely loved it.
<3 j3551c@

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's AM Workout

Crossfit workout with trainer

Ran on treadmill  @speed of 4.7 1/2 mile ( haven't been running, this reflects that!)
25 push ups
25 pull ups (assisted machine)
25 thrusters (I think with 40lbs)

Did this circuit 3x in 45 minutes

Weighed in @179 this AM. Hope I'm down a couple more lbs when I do my last weigh in with my trainer on Thursday!!! Later on today I'm doing a circuit workout at home then tomorrow morning hitting the cardio machines before I go to work.

I'm on chapter 5 of the Paleo Diet. Lean meats and vegetables...olive oil...take a Vitamin D supplement 2,000 I.U. daily, no dairy, no grains. This is what I've gotten out of the book so far :-) If this is the case, everything that I have believed to be healthy...has all been a myth!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


I have a paper due midnight...and I haven't started! I know I shouldn't be on here but honestly, if I'm late, well I'll lose points. Hubby just got off the computer...which doesn't make any sense to me. He is a computer specialist, has 2 laptops, and we have a wireless printer. HOWEVER, he doesn't have Microsoft Word on either laptop! Does that make any sense? No! So frustrating, I just had to get this off my chest. I might have to save up for my MAC desktop. Ooohh I'll be so happy and I won't have to wait for him to get off this desktop. He will be pissed if I get one without him knowing but so what, I deserve one :-P

Today's AM Workout

50minute Combat Class- moderate intensity
10minute elliptical- intervals
Weight when I woke up 180.6

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Slacking...a lot!

So, I started school again! Taking classes online for my BSN. It's been about a month now, and it has really affected my diet and working out. I have been slacking hardcore and I reallly, reallly need to get back on track. This Thursday is my last day with a trainer and I'm pretty scared because I have to get on that scale in front of her again. I've gained 6 lbs since she weighed me last month! Arrgghh! So, I've decided to read these books that I have on my bookshelf. I've decided that if I gain knowledge on nutrition and weight loss, it'll motivate me to stay on the right track. I have the books listed on the side here, but the first one I'm going to start with is "The Paleo Diet." This diet in particular intrigues me because all of the crossfitters are into it. I mean...they are impressive! Who does one legged squats without holding on to anything? And how does a non-gymnast do tricep dips on those ring-thingis? I mean, wow. Their bodies are amazing and actually, they are not all skinny people. You can tell some of the crossfitters used to be like me at some point- soft and chunky :-)  hehe..anyway...So I'm going to read these books and share of the information that I read here. <3 j3551c@

P.S. I'm not necessarily going to try each diet...just reading about them. I might try a combination of Paleo and Eat Clean...they are least what I have read so far.