Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big God-Given Dream

So, last week a co-worker asked me...Jessica, What is your big God-given dream? This caught me by surprise, especially because we were slammed busy (in the ER, when is it not?). The first thing that came to mind is...
Educate the community about health and disease prevention.
She quickly asked, well how are you going to do that?
I said, well, I'm supposed to volunteer at the free clinic. (I know, not a very elaborate answer, but it was busy! I didn't have time to elaborate.)
Well why haven't you done it?
Oh, I lost the business card to the manager and I need to call her. (Lame excuse, huh?)

I have thought more about this question over the weekend...What really is my God-given dream? Is it something that I have wanted to do all my life? Is this dream different from I want personally for my life, or is it something that God has continually poured into my heart?

It can't be that hard right? Is it that I realized my passion at one point and just gave up? Or is it that I'm just so busy with "life" I just won't make time for it?

Or is that I really don't know what my God-given dream is?

Well, we have a new saying in this time of technology. When in doubt, google! (Really I should say, when in doubt, pray!) But for blogging's sake, I googled :-)

I found another blog about "God-Given Dreams"
and here is an excerpt from her blog:

What are God Dreams?

God given dreams are God’s dreams, God’s hopes, God’s desires, and God’s plans for you that are already planned out and ready for you to discover and live.

God given dreams come from God and are spoken to your spirit and are different from simple, flimsy wishes, for they capture your thoughts, your

feelings, your emotions, your imagination and your spirit.

God given dreams show you how God sees you and how He wants you to see yourself.

God given dreams are something you will embrace and they will embrace you.

God given dreams come to you in a single moment but yet they consume your thinking for a long time.

God given dreams are something you won’t be able to set aside, for they will consume your thoughts, bring excited expectation of their fulfillment and stir a passion inside you to see them become reality in your life.

God given dreams stir your imagination and bring you into an expectant hope of living in those dreams.

God given dreams require you to become a dreamer, a big dreamer!

God given dreams are a testimony of the greatness of your God.

I have so many ideas of what my God-given dream could be. These are not worldly ideals, but what God's purpose is for me to fufill. As crazy as they may seem they are possible! Here are a few dreams that I have God has put into my heart...In no particular order :-)

1. Going on a medical missions trip- helping the poor, spreading the gospel
2. Volunteering at a local clinic- helping people w/o health insurance
3. Learning how to speak spanish fluently (to assist with missions trips and outreaches to hispanic/latino communities and to speak with spanish-speaking patients in the ER)
4. Educating the community young and old about nutrition, health, and disease prevention (currently working on BSN)
5. Learning how to act & sing- to be in positive/uplifting productions (don't laugh! I love the arts.)
6. To lead and practice a healthy and active life with my husband and (future) children (definitely a work in progress!)
7. To be a testimony of God's love and grace in my every day life- through good days and bad days- at work and at home- to family and friends (a struggle every day, I must remember to continue to pray, which is what keeps my relationship with God strong)

So what is your Big God-Given Dream?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trying to stay consistent and focused!

So, it's been a week since I started Paleo...and all I remember is cheating on Tuesday...then I just stopped counting how many times I've cheated! I've been trying to remember to eat a protein and vegetables with every meal though. I don't feel hungry during the day...and I'm not ravenously hungry when I get home from work, so that's good. I haven't been craving anything sweet really..because I have also been eating fruit. Have lost only 3 lbs, but really haven't been working out hard core. I started running again, though...Mon, Tues, and Today...will run/walk 3 miles at the beach on Saturday morning, and I'm looking forward to that. I'm going to try and stay consistent and keep running...

I HAVE to take a break next week because I am having surgery..but after those 7 days, I'll be up and running again...literally! <3 <3

Staying encouraged and focused on the goal=125lbs=by Jan 1, 2012=so approx.3 lbs a week :-) I can do it!!!

Looking forward to losing a bulk of it during Crossfit Boot Camp!