Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Although I slip, I always get right back up.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Crossfit update

Still going strong!!! Today's wod:
Am rap x 20
Deadlift 130# x 5- rx
Box jumps (24") x 10
6 pull ups
6 ring dips

I really need to work on my pull ups:-/ but feeling good about the deads!
I did 7 rounds!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Crossfit How-To Videos: Squats

Overhead Squat (OHS)

Front Squat
Back Squat
One thing they don't mention, which I have been corrected for is to keep my wrists straight.
Air Squats

Friday, November 4, 2011

How I'm Doin!

So, last week was really tough for me as far as sticking to my diet. Last week I worked Thursday, Friday, Saturday, had Sunday off, worked Monday and Tuesday. I think I ate something I shouldn't have at least once a day. I do remember one day only eating breakfast....and being so busy that I didn't eat anything during my shift. That day I ended up going to Wendys (eek!) and grabbing something on my way home because I was starving and exhausted.

I had Tuesday-Friday off and have gone to a crossfit class everyday. I did half a class today...but one of the girls ended up injuring herself so I took her to the ER where I work. I think if I injured myself I would want someone to help me too, so I'm glad I was there to help her.

So,  I haven't lost anymore weight...I'm steady at 181...and am itching to get under 180! I mean I definitely feel a difference in my body. I noticed my pants kinda slipping off when I was doing burpees yesterday so that's awesome!

I know I shouldn't really focus on the weight and more on the I'm not discouraged. I just love the fact that I have met some nice people at this gym and we can hold each other accountable for the workouts...and encourage each other during the workouts.
The only thing I want to make sure of is that I'm performing some of these lifts correctly....I'm just going to have to show up early to class and ask the veterans there.

Otherwise, feeling great, feeling strong!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Still week #3 of Crossfit

Feeling pretty good, starting to realize that FORM is better than time. If it isn't challenging enough, add weight...even if it does mean longer time for the WOD. I'm loving the of the other girls there mentioned that each trainer has a different style of teaching...and it's true! I love Mary, because she is just a natural teacher and really wants you to do well and the get the best out of the workout. Plus, the basics I am learning right now are actually prepping me for future lifts. So, I'm staying encouraged and looking forward to the future (in crossfit)!

Yesterday's WOD:

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Week #3 Crossfit Classes

This was our workout..and the pic underneath are our times/weights we used. I maxed out/benched @110#. I actually used the 24" box and 35# KB the first round and was already struggling. So I had my shorter box ready and used the 20# KB for the other 4 rounds. I'm Jess #2! far as diet, I've kept clean probably 80% of the time. I just can't keep track of when I cheat...and that's what I need to start doing. I am going to write down the cheat meals on my calendar and try to keep PALEO about 90-95% and just limit myself to 2 cheat meals a week until I lose more weight. I have lost 10# so far, but would like to lose 30# before the end of the year. I'm so glad that the other bootcampers have joined and that I'm not by myself as a newbie! If I was by myself I don't think I would be as motivated. This way I have someone that I have to meet up with...because I told her I was going to be there. This journey is pretty exciting to me...I've never been this excited to workout...I still get butterflies the morning of the workout! I thought the butterflies were just there during the boot camp..but nope, they're still there!

Love the adrenaline rush!

Friday, October 14, 2011

I'm an official crossfitter!

(Of course the pic is not me!) Hahaha I know the title corny, but I signed up to the crossfit gym and took my first class on Weds 10/12/2011!!! We practiced a skill- front squat. I maxed out at 96lbs. It's still a little tricky for me...having to kinda hold it with 2 fingers...I still don't understand the whole weights thing...but it's my first whatever. Then she tried to teach me the snatch. Didn't quite get the I worked with a 16lb med ball...and did 75 of them. But I didn't say I don't know how long it actually! Like I said, it was first my day...I didn't know I had to yell time! haha..It was different! This is definitely what I need.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Blair-witch project, crossfit style

Last night's boot camp was amazing. Bear crawls, lunges, broad jumps, sprint around the building (I think that's a mile) and then we ran through a trail in the woods. I found myself falling in behind the leader of the pack, the owner of the gym. Keeping up with his light was my motivation. I didn't want to trip, fall, and especially get left behind in the dark woods! That was crazyyyy fun, and I mean crazy. It was such an adrenaline rush...I swear these workouts leave me wanting more! My quads are screaming at me this morning, though :-)
By the way, I turned in my project last night after the workout but did not turn in the report that was supposed to go with it. I did not enjoy the "vulnerable population" class as much as I wanted to. I'll be catching up on the discussion board and reading in the next couple of weeks. I have got to find my rhythm with these online classes. When I return to school for my Master's degree, I'm going back to a traditional school. But for right now...thanking God for a 2 week break!
Well, off to run a little on my treadmill...then to save lives at work!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Last week of Crossfit Boot Camp

I'm feeling super anxious! It's the last week of boot camp. Today and Wednesday....and that's it. I have to join the gym!I have to cancel my other gym membership! I have so much on my mind right now. Finances, cleaning my house, sister-in-law's wedding...and this paper that is due tonight. I have really slacked in the current class I'm in...and I'm unsure why. I just have not been able to focus. Maybe after tonight's workout I'll feel a little more focused...we'll see!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

First 8K race!

Time: 61:51.09
That's not me in the pic by the way. LOL! Although this pic looks like it could be at Virginia Beach. Neptune festival 8K under my belt. I think I did pretty good, considering it was my first race and I didn't technically train for it. I actually also did a unconventional crossfit workout after the run! As far as nutrition..I will have to do more research on what is the best thing to eat before and after intense workouts. I ate a sweet potato and banana before the race. After the race I ate another banana, 1/2 protein shake. After the crossfit workout (about 30 mins later) I ate another banana, grilled chicken with avocado, coconut water. I watched a little bit of TV, got up and cramped like hell! I don't think my husband sympathizes well, I had to ask please, like a begging please...for water, motrin, and a massage. He got me those, thank God without too much grief.

Feeling super accomplished!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Second week of crossfit bootcamp

Sooo...second week of bootcamp, I made it through the first week. I feel tremendous! I seriously thought I wasn't going to make it through the bear crawls and sprints today...but I did. Awesome. At this point I'm ready to sign a contract! But I'm not just yet. I will have to cancel my other gym I want to finish what I started- I want to finish this boot camp :-) It's amazing. The people in this group are all very different, but when we work as a team we get it done...and I love that feeling..the feeling of team work. Okay..well..I have a paper due in a couple of hours...I have to stop procrastinating! <3

Monday, September 12, 2011

Crossfit Fit Test :-)

I'm so excited about Crossfit boot camp. I did the fit test this past Saturday and will be doing the first class tonight. I had a very skinny, taller girl as my partner...and I did a lot more push-ups and sit-ups than her...but she wooped me in the 1/2 mile run. I definitely need to work on running!!! I can't wait to see the results by the end of these 4 weeks!!! My goal: 15 lbs lighter, able to fit into a size 12 :-) If I like it enough...and feel it won't affect me getting pregnant...I will continue with crossfit and drop my membership at Gold's. Hopefully I can talk some of my co-workers to join me. It would be a miracle if I could get my hubby to join me..nutrition wise and workout wise...he noticed I was staying away from junk this weekend...and didn't eat as bad as he usually that's a start!

Oh, forgot to mention...I lost approx 4lbs in 4 days. Mostly eating clean/paleo. I only worked out twice! Probably water weight...but's hard for me to lose a lb in a week!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Big God-Given Dream

So, last week a co-worker asked me...Jessica, What is your big God-given dream? This caught me by surprise, especially because we were slammed busy (in the ER, when is it not?). The first thing that came to mind is...
Educate the community about health and disease prevention.
She quickly asked, well how are you going to do that?
I said, well, I'm supposed to volunteer at the free clinic. (I know, not a very elaborate answer, but it was busy! I didn't have time to elaborate.)
Well why haven't you done it?
Oh, I lost the business card to the manager and I need to call her. (Lame excuse, huh?)

I have thought more about this question over the weekend...What really is my God-given dream? Is it something that I have wanted to do all my life? Is this dream different from I want personally for my life, or is it something that God has continually poured into my heart?

It can't be that hard right? Is it that I realized my passion at one point and just gave up? Or is it that I'm just so busy with "life" I just won't make time for it?

Or is that I really don't know what my God-given dream is?

Well, we have a new saying in this time of technology. When in doubt, google! (Really I should say, when in doubt, pray!) But for blogging's sake, I googled :-)

I found another blog about "God-Given Dreams"
and here is an excerpt from her blog:

What are God Dreams?

God given dreams are God’s dreams, God’s hopes, God’s desires, and God’s plans for you that are already planned out and ready for you to discover and live.

God given dreams come from God and are spoken to your spirit and are different from simple, flimsy wishes, for they capture your thoughts, your

feelings, your emotions, your imagination and your spirit.

God given dreams show you how God sees you and how He wants you to see yourself.

God given dreams are something you will embrace and they will embrace you.

God given dreams come to you in a single moment but yet they consume your thinking for a long time.

God given dreams are something you won’t be able to set aside, for they will consume your thoughts, bring excited expectation of their fulfillment and stir a passion inside you to see them become reality in your life.

God given dreams stir your imagination and bring you into an expectant hope of living in those dreams.

God given dreams require you to become a dreamer, a big dreamer!

God given dreams are a testimony of the greatness of your God.

I have so many ideas of what my God-given dream could be. These are not worldly ideals, but what God's purpose is for me to fufill. As crazy as they may seem they are possible! Here are a few dreams that I have God has put into my heart...In no particular order :-)

1. Going on a medical missions trip- helping the poor, spreading the gospel
2. Volunteering at a local clinic- helping people w/o health insurance
3. Learning how to speak spanish fluently (to assist with missions trips and outreaches to hispanic/latino communities and to speak with spanish-speaking patients in the ER)
4. Educating the community young and old about nutrition, health, and disease prevention (currently working on BSN)
5. Learning how to act & sing- to be in positive/uplifting productions (don't laugh! I love the arts.)
6. To lead and practice a healthy and active life with my husband and (future) children (definitely a work in progress!)
7. To be a testimony of God's love and grace in my every day life- through good days and bad days- at work and at home- to family and friends (a struggle every day, I must remember to continue to pray, which is what keeps my relationship with God strong)

So what is your Big God-Given Dream?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Trying to stay consistent and focused!

So, it's been a week since I started Paleo...and all I remember is cheating on Tuesday...then I just stopped counting how many times I've cheated! I've been trying to remember to eat a protein and vegetables with every meal though. I don't feel hungry during the day...and I'm not ravenously hungry when I get home from work, so that's good. I haven't been craving anything sweet really..because I have also been eating fruit. Have lost only 3 lbs, but really haven't been working out hard core. I started running again, though...Mon, Tues, and Today...will run/walk 3 miles at the beach on Saturday morning, and I'm looking forward to that. I'm going to try and stay consistent and keep running...

I HAVE to take a break next week because I am having surgery..but after those 7 days, I'll be up and running again...literally! <3 <3

Staying encouraged and focused on the goal=125lbs=by Jan 1, 2012=so approx.3 lbs a week :-) I can do it!!!

Looking forward to losing a bulk of it during Crossfit Boot Camp!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Paleo living :-)

Started paleo=186.6 on Thursday 7/28, feeling pretty good! Today=184.4. I've been eating more veggies...not an enormous amount...but I'll get there. I think I'll get used to it if I just keep doing it. I've been trying to make sure I have a lean protein, carb (veg/fruit), and healthy fat every time I eat. I know its only been 2 days, but it still amazes me....And I haven't worked out since Wednesday :-) In 2 weeks I'm having surgery so I'll have to stop working out for a week...I just want to make sure I'm healed. Then...crossfit boot camp in September!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting back on track!

Yes, again. The weight loss roller coaster is back up and running. I've gained approximately 7 lbs since I stopped training with my trainer!

I have decided to stick to working out 6 times a week- that includes 2 hours of strength training, other times are for cardio.

I have decided to use to count calories, and am looking for others that use the same program.

Please add me :-) just2bhealthy

Monday, May 30, 2011

Junk, junk, junk!

That's all I have been eating these past few weeks...can't seem to stop. I've had a salad here and there...but I just can't seem to say no. I don't know if its the warmer weather or what. Snuck in workout yesterday...cardio for 1 1/2 hours...meant to go back for strength training...but didn't happen. I decided relaxing on the beach in this 85 degree weather was a better idea :-) Ugghhhh! The weight is maintained, but...I need to just get serious in order to lose this weight!

Friday, May 20, 2011


I'm going to be working all weekend...I work 12 hour shifts so each day will be: schoolwork, small workout, work, sleep. Not very exciting, but I am grateful nonetheless. God is good!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Day With Trainer :(:::

Last day with Kristine today...she is so awesome, I'm gonna miss my workouts with her! Anyway, this is what we did today:
  1. 20 box jumps
  2. 20 squats 50#
  3. 20 straight leg deadlifts 40#
3 rounds

  1. 20 bicep curls 30#
  2. 20 push press 30#
  3. 15 chest flys on machine 20#
3 rounds
  1. 20 oblique twists
She is going to hook me up with a list of workouts! I'm excited. I asked her for a copy of my first and last measurements, I'll put those up when I get them! I think I'm going to increase my circuit workouts to 3-4x a week/ like every other day. I'll have to do it on my own..which will be a little bit of a challenge, but I can do it! I also did a full hour kettlebells class this AM! I absolutely loved it.
<3 j3551c@

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's AM Workout

Crossfit workout with trainer

Ran on treadmill  @speed of 4.7 1/2 mile ( haven't been running, this reflects that!)
25 push ups
25 pull ups (assisted machine)
25 thrusters (I think with 40lbs)

Did this circuit 3x in 45 minutes

Weighed in @179 this AM. Hope I'm down a couple more lbs when I do my last weigh in with my trainer on Thursday!!! Later on today I'm doing a circuit workout at home then tomorrow morning hitting the cardio machines before I go to work.

I'm on chapter 5 of the Paleo Diet. Lean meats and vegetables...olive oil...take a Vitamin D supplement 2,000 I.U. daily, no dairy, no grains. This is what I've gotten out of the book so far :-) If this is the case, everything that I have believed to be healthy...has all been a myth!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011


I have a paper due midnight...and I haven't started! I know I shouldn't be on here but honestly, if I'm late, well I'll lose points. Hubby just got off the computer...which doesn't make any sense to me. He is a computer specialist, has 2 laptops, and we have a wireless printer. HOWEVER, he doesn't have Microsoft Word on either laptop! Does that make any sense? No! So frustrating, I just had to get this off my chest. I might have to save up for my MAC desktop. Ooohh I'll be so happy and I won't have to wait for him to get off this desktop. He will be pissed if I get one without him knowing but so what, I deserve one :-P

Today's AM Workout

50minute Combat Class- moderate intensity
10minute elliptical- intervals
Weight when I woke up 180.6

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Slacking...a lot!

So, I started school again! Taking classes online for my BSN. It's been about a month now, and it has really affected my diet and working out. I have been slacking hardcore and I reallly, reallly need to get back on track. This Thursday is my last day with a trainer and I'm pretty scared because I have to get on that scale in front of her again. I've gained 6 lbs since she weighed me last month! Arrgghh! So, I've decided to read these books that I have on my bookshelf. I've decided that if I gain knowledge on nutrition and weight loss, it'll motivate me to stay on the right track. I have the books listed on the side here, but the first one I'm going to start with is "The Paleo Diet." This diet in particular intrigues me because all of the crossfitters are into it. I mean...they are impressive! Who does one legged squats without holding on to anything? And how does a non-gymnast do tricep dips on those ring-thingis? I mean, wow. Their bodies are amazing and actually, they are not all skinny people. You can tell some of the crossfitters used to be like me at some point- soft and chunky :-)  hehe..anyway...So I'm going to read these books and share of the information that I read here. <3 j3551c@

P.S. I'm not necessarily going to try each diet...just reading about them. I might try a combination of Paleo and Eat Clean...they are least what I have read so far.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's workout

Seated row 15 35lbs?
Tricep dips 15
Push press 15 30lbs bar

Walking lunges 24 30lbs
Bicep curls 15 30lbs
15 push ups

Chest press 15 12lb db each side
Tricep row 15 20lb alternate side
Shoulder ? 5lb db each side

10min elliptical 30mins KB class

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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Revamp my health brainstorm

Grab fresh veggies before going into work to snack on.
Eat a protein with everything
Buy ready made protein shakes- eat a fruit or veggie with it-- which will be considered a snack
Eat every 2 hours
Do not eat after 10pm
Eat as soon as I wake up
Write down everything I eat
Stop eating sweet stuff/ deserts
Stop eating out. If I do-- will eat salad no croutons no cheese no dressing
Cut down on carbs period
No chips at ALL
Start running. Wake up at 7, go to park N run Monday Wednesday Friday --- document times and set up personal challenges
Take a flexibility class once a week
Kettle bells once a week
Pump class every 2 weeks
Alternate-- 1 week 8 hours of vigorous cardio- running included
Other week 4 hours of vigorous cardio- running included
Make sure to document everything
Try to eat as clean as possible
Drink 2 liters of water every day

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mental preparation

I'm back to work tomorrow... After being off for 9 days! I don't think I remember how to do my job now ;-) Pray for me! Pray for the healing of the sick...mentally and physically.

Thank ya <3 Jess

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Dreaming again

Sometimes I think, "how would my life be if...? For example, what if I was an actress...or what if I could really sing and dance?

Lol the only singing and dancing I've been doing is on Just Dance 2!

What if I continued dj-ing? Haha!

Ya know, life is funny. God just kinda nudges you sometimes to do other things. Right now, I'm going to seek Him...and the rest will fall into place- Matthew 6:33

This year I will take up either an acting/ singing/ dancing class. Don't know when I'll fit it in...but if it is His will, it'll happen.


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Monday, February 14, 2011

67 degrees!

I am soooo excited that it's going to be warm and sunny today!

My plan: put clothes n dishes 2 miles, gym 10-1130, drop off lunch to hubby, walk dogs at park, take them to the doggie park, drop by to see my school advisor... Then I'm going to relax in my backyard right where the sun is beaming--and make phone calls & try to finish my book. I won't leave until the sun comes down!

This may not sound exciting to everyone else, but it will be for me! I have missed the warmth and the sun! I'm going to enjoy it as much as I can :-)

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The view from my lounge chair :-)

iPad delirious!

So I got an iPad on Friday... And it's pretty much like a bigger iPhone :-) it's great for reading books and surfing the Internet, and of course, checking my facebook! I decided to purchase one as a reward to myself for going back to school for my bachelor's degree. I'm pretty's all online! I guess I will have to get used to it. I wonder how the whole online class thing all works?! Hmmm...
Anyway I've been on this thing allll weekend...and I'm sure I'll be posting here often :-)

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stay close

Yesterday.. Was such a weird, awful day. I had an unexpected code... The kind where one minute they are talking to you... And the next minute CPR has started! Usually I handle things pretty well... I usually keep my cool.., but this was not one of those times. This made me question my career choice. Can I really handle working in the ER? Will it ever get easier? What do I need to do to get out of this job? Those are the kind of questions that have been rolling in my head!
I fessed up to my husband about when I was younger I would talk to myself in the mirror like I was a famous actor. I mentioned that maybe I should start taking classes. He didn't say much about it.
The whole situation made me think... Am I doing what I want to do in life?
It's such a hard question... Being a Christian, I have to stop myself and rephrase it. What does God want me to do in this life?
Uggghhh there goes that reminder! God is in control, not me. Not saying that God wants me to just work in the ER for the rest of my life... But... That maybe God is trying to call me back. Maybe he's getting me to refocus.
I miss being in church, being in his word, driving down the road... And hearing Him actually speak to me.
He has a great plan for me. I know he will grant me the desires of my heart., but I need to seek him. Not just expect him to be there just because.
So here goes God. First three things I would like to do-first that come to mind-- missions trip, feed homeless, and become an actress. Really weird list, but totally do- able. So thus, the beginning of my God willing list! Reading the word and prayer is the key!!!!! I always say that... I need to do it. I need to stay close to God and His word. I don't ever want to feel the way I did yesterday! Never ever!!!!!<3 Jessica